Brian and Maggie

Channel 4

Stephen Frears

Brian and Maggie revisits one of the most prominent political interviews in British history: the showdown between Margaret Thatcher and Brian Walden.

From Baby Cow Productions and BAFTA-winning Director Stephen Frears, this Channel 4 drama stars Harriet Walter as Margaret Thatcher and Steve Coogan as Brian Walden as it questions the slow death of long-form political interviews and the threat it poses to modern democracy.

1920 worked on 38 shots to enhance the visual storytelling of the docuseries, ensuring historical authenticity and seamless integration with the surrounding footage.

1920 composited Steve Coogan into archival shots and gave them period treatment to blend naturally with the rest of the scene. For the interior hotel room, 1920 captured rooftop plates near the Savoy, de-modernised the view to reflect 1980s London, and composited them into the shots. Likewise, for the LWT Tower interior shots, 1920 composited in our captured rooftop plates and painted out the scaffolding currently in place.

For exterior shots, 1920 used matte painting to create the LWT Tower and integrate it into the background.

Director | Stephen Frears

Production Company | Baby Cow Productions

Studio | Channel 4

Production Credits

Executive Producers | Delyth Scudamore, Rupert Majendie, Sarah Monteith

Producer | Dan Winch

Line Producer | Jessica O’Shaughnessy

Post Production Supervisor | Jemma Gershinson

1920 Credits

Head of VFX | James Etherington-Sparks

VFX Supervisor | Mary Stroumpouli

VFX Producer | Emma Moffat

VFX Editor | Isabelle Wroth

Compositors | Lucas Warren, Rob Lilley

DMP Artist | Lorenzo Solari