We’re proud to announce that Steve Moss’ short film ‘If (Girlfriend Deluxe)…’ is this year’s Homespun Yarns winner! nineteentwenty was tasked with both its grading and visual effects. nineteentwenty VFX Supervisor Chrys Aldred says, ‘What really drew me to this project was its original and humorous script, it was an absolute joy to bring Steve’s vision to life.’ This short film also marks our first project graded by our new Head of Colour, Kai Van Beers.
The brief for this year’s Homespun Yarns challenged filmmakers to create an idea around the world ‘If’. Director Steve Moss set his story in a dystopian future where a middle-aged man attempts to copulate with a robot. However, his encounter does not go according to plan as it is filled with interruptions from advertisements – a problem every internet user can relate to!
Read more about the film here.
Watch the full film here.
Kevin Cherry as Frank
Devora Wilde as Cindy/Ann
VFX Supervisor: Chrys Aldred
VFX Producer: Amie Kingsnorth
Director and Writer: Steve Moss
Edited by: Charlie Rotberg
Sound Design: Wave Studios