Directed by Tom Merilion through Studio 19
“The challenge was to make films about a product that wasn’t completely finished and to create a buzz around it’s upcoming launch” says Tom. The answer, not to show the product, ask the question “seen Bo” and to show the experience of riding it. The film was shot around London and also captured real people in the street reacting to the woman seemingly riding an invisible scooter.
“To get the footage I wanted with limited time and budget we had to be nimble. Having recced specific locations we decided early on that the best way around the city was to travel by e-scooter, bicycle and with the equipment in a cargo bike”. Comments Director Tom Merilion.
The Post was undertaken at nineteentwenty. Our main task was to take the beutifly shot plates from Tom and remove the Bo e-scooter. This was achieved by making a virtual camera of each shot and then rebuild the background behind the scooter. In a number of shots we had to rebuild parts of our Heroine that where hidden by the e-scooter this resulted is some magical shots with our Heroine ridding an invisible e-scooter.
Finally Kai Van Beers applied a subtle but memorable grade to the film completing a very stylish piece of work.