‘Tis the season for Christmas adverts and we were super proud to be a part of Sainsbury’s ‘The Big Night’. Working again with Michael Gracey to bring a heartwarming story to life was an absolute treat. Set to the ’90s New Radicals classic, a group of endearing children perform at an assembly in front of their parents – a classic scene in many people’s childhoods. Our very own VFX Supervisor Ludovic Fealy headed the project, ‘Adding in the CGI tree and other knickknacks took a lot of time and patience but the end product made it all worth it – really glad to see the ad get its deserved recognition’. The two minute ad gave birth to the now trending #pluglife – a two second scene of a boy dressed as a plug flinging himself onto a socket. It has been talked about in The Mirror, The Sun, and The Daily Mail.
Check out the full ad here.
Read more here.
VFX Supervisor: Ludovic Fealy
VFX 3D Supervisor: Martin Blunden
VFX Producer: David Keegan
3D Artists: Oscar Hill, Mike Farrah
2D Artists: Adam Mchale, Stephanie Daly, Claire Larkin, Jenn Epstein, Ken Hau
Grade: Kai Van Beers
Director: Michael Gracey
Director of Photography: Pau Castejon
Production Company: Partizan
Editor: Stuart Bowen
Music: Mr Pape
Sound Design: String and Tins
Agency: Wieden & Kennedy